The expIoration of the relationship between osteoporotic hip f}acture and Singh index and proximal fbmoral geometrical structure in the elderly
中文关键词:  骨质疏松  髋部骨折  singh指数  骨形态
英文关键词:Osteoporosis  Hip fracture  Singh index  Femur geometry
刘文和 广东清远人民医院骨科二区 liudoct@126.com 
刘忠厚 中国老年学学会骨质疏松委员会  
陈鹏 湘南学院附属医院骨科郴州  
陈家玉 湘南学院临床医学系  
摘要点击次数: 914
全文下载次数: 1149
      Objective:To explore the relationship between osteoporotic hip fracture and Singh index and proximal femur geometry in the elderly. Methods Forty-six patients with osteoporotic hip fractures were chosen,including 24 males and 22 females, aged from 56 t0 82 years old with an average of 67. 3 + 12.5 years old.Forty-eight healthy volunteers were chosen as the control group, including 25 males and 23 females,aged from 54 to 79 years old with an average of 68. 2士 11. 8 years old. The Singh index. Femoral neck axis length ( FNAL) , and neck shaft angle (NSA) of the patients in both groups were measured and analyzed. Results SinfSh index of patients in the fracture group was significantly lower than that in the control group. However,FNAL and NSA of patients in the fracture group were significantly longer and larger than those in the control group.Conclusion The combination of Singh index, FNAL, and NSA may improve the risk prediction of osteoporotic hip fracture.
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