The effect of body mass index on bone mineral density of different sites in postmenopausal elderly women
中文关键词:  骨密度  体重指数  绝经后妇女  骨质疏松
英文关键词:Bone mineral density  Body mass index  Menopausal woman  Osteoporosis
俞秀华 福建医科大学附属龙岩市第一医院核医学科 yuxiuhua198@sina.com 
陈雪花 福建医科大学附属龙岩市第一医院核医学科  
黄炜坤 福建医科大学附属龙岩市第一医院核医学科  
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      目的 分析不同体重指数患者的腰椎和股骨近端、股骨颈、WanTs三角区的骨密度及T值评 分,探讨体重指数对绝经老年妇女不同部位骨密度的影响。方法以我院225例年龄均为60以上的 绝经老年妇女为研究对象,计算体重指数将患者分为体瘦组、正常组和肥胖组,检测患者腰椎和股骨 近端、股骨颈、Ward's三角区的骨密度,分析各部位骨密度变化与体重指数的关系。结果体瘦组的 患者各部位骨密度明显低于正常和肥胖组的患者,体瘦组与正常组或肥胖组比较,腰椎(L1-L4)、股 骨颈、股骨近端、Ward's三角区的骨"密度均有显著的差异(P <0.01);正常组与肥胖组比较,仅L3和 L4的骨密度有显著的差异(P<0.05),其余部位的骨密度无显著的差异(P>0.05)。结论体重和 体重指数是影响骨密度的一个重要因素,体重和体重指数与绝经老年妇女不同部位的骨密度存在一 定的相关性,低体重指数的绝经老年妇女,骨丢失而引起的骨量减少明显,易发生骨质疏松
      Objective To analyze bone mineral density (BMD) and T value of the lumbar spine,proximal femur,femoral neck, Ward,s triangle of patients with different body mass index ( BMI),and to explore the effect of different BMI on BMD of different sites in postmenopausal elderly women. Methods The research subjects were 225 over 60-year-old postmenopausal women. The patients were divided into lean group, the normal group, and the obese group according to BMI. BMD of the lumbar spine, proximal femur, femoral neck, and Ward's triangle were measured. The relationship between BMD of different sites and BMI was analyzed. Results BMD of all different sites of patients in lean group were significantly lower than that in the normal and obese group. BMD of the lumbar (L1-L4) ,femoral neck,proximal femur, and Ward's triangle of patients in lean group was significantly different comparing to those in the normal group and obese group (P < 0. 01 ) . BMD of L3 and L4 of patients in obese group was significantly different to that in the normal group ( P < 0. 05 ) . BMD of other sites of patients in obese group was not significantly different to that in the normal group (P > 0. 05 ). Conclusion Weight and BMI are important factors for BMD. Weight and BMI are certainly related to the BMD of different sites in postmenopausal elderly women. Bone loss of postmenopausal elderly women with low BMI is obvious to lead to osteoporosis.
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