Rat bone mesenchymal stem cells labeled with Hoechst33342 and their migration in vivo
中文关键词:  骨髓间充质干细胞  细胞迁移  Hoechst33342
英文关键词:BMSCs  CeU migration  Hoechst 33342
侯费祎 甘肃中医学院 
谢兴文 甘肃省中医药研究院 
席芳琴 宁夏 自治区人民医院 
李盛华 甘肃省中医药研究院 
宋敏 甘肃中医学院 
摘要点击次数: 1103
全文下载次数: 1096
      目的检测外源性的BMSCs是否可向骨缺损处迁移,Hoechesl3342标记BMSCs,从而跟踪外源 性BMSCs在体内的迁移,研究其归巢机制可行性。方法贴壁筛选提取大鼠BMSCs,培养至第三代, 用HoechsL33342标记后,尾静脉回植于颅骨缺损的大鼠体内,14d后处死大鼠,取颅骨,切片,荧光显 微镜下观察细胞迁移情况。主要观察指标:光学显微镜下观察不同时期细胞形态和表面抗原检测;荧 光显微镜下观察HoechsL33342标记后细胞形态,以及细胞增殖率;组织切片上Hoechsl33342标记的 阳性细胞。结果筛选纯化的BMSCs呈均一的成纤维细胞样,贴壁生长,以长梭形为主。CD45阴 性,CD44、CD90均呈阳性表达;组织切片上可见Hoechsl33342标记大鼠的BMSCs。结论外源性的 BMSCs可向骨缺损处迁移;Hoechsl33342可以标记BMSCs,从而跟踪外源性BMSCs在体内的迁移,进 而研究其归巢机制。
      Objective To deLecL Lhe migraLion of exogenous hone mesenchymal sLem cells ( BMSCs ) in Lhe bone defecLive siLe and Lo research Lhe feasibiliLy of homing mechanism Lhrough Lracing Lhe migraLion of exogenous BMSCs labeled wiLh HoechesL 33342 in vivo. Methods RaL BMSCs were exLracLed and screened using Lhe adherence meLhod. AfLer culLured Lo Lhe Lhird generaLion,BMSCs were labeled wiLh HoechsL 33342 and Lhen replanLed in Lhe raLs wiLh skull defecL Lhrough Lail vein. RaLs were killed afLer 14 days and Lhe skull were sliced Lo observe Lhe cell migraLion under fluorescence microscopy. The main observed indexes included cell morphology and surface anLigen deLecLion of differenL periods using lighL microscopy,morphology of cells labeled wiLh HoechsL 33342 and cell proliferaLion under fluorescence microscopy, and Lhe posiLive cells labeled by HoechsL 33342 in Lissue secLions. Results Purified BMSCs showed homogeneous fibroblasL-like morphology ^ mainly wiLh long fusiform and adherenL growLh. CD45 was negaLive in Lhese cells. However, CD44 and CD90 were posiLive. BMSCs labeled by HoechsL 33342 were observed in Lhe secLions. Conclusion Exogenous BMSCs can migraLe Lo Lhe bone defecL siL^ m vivo. MigraLion of exogenous BMSCs can be Lraced using HoechsL 33342 Lo research Lhe homing mechanism.
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