不同剂量硝酸甘油对于骨质疏松骨折术后 辅助治疗作用的探究
Study of the effect of different doses of nitroglycerin on adjuvant therapy after osteoporotic fracture surgery
中文关键词:  骨质疏松  去势;骨折  硝酸甘油;骨愈合
英文关键词:Osteoporosis  Ovariectomy  Fracture  Nitroglycerin  Bone healing
路考生 张世旭 杨春燕 樊炎 石昌浩 陈越 尹芸生 山西医科大学第二临床医院创伤骨科(路考生、张世旭、樊炎、石昌浩、陈越、尹芸 生)山西医科大学第一临床医院妇产科(杨春燕) 
摘要点击次数: 958
全文下载次数: 1526
      目的观察口服硝酸甘油对于骨质疏松大鼠骨折术后骨愈合的影响,探究不同剂量的硝酸甘 油对于去势骨质疏松大鼠骨折术后的辅助治疗作用。方法60只6月龄雌性大鼠,随机选取12只 作为假手术组(A),余48只作为实验组,去势12周后,双能X线骨密度仪测定大鼠右股骨骨密度,确 定骨质疏松大鼠模型建立成功。建立右侧股骨干骨折模型,随机将实验组分为低(B),中(C),高剂 量组(D),对照组(E)。实验组大鼠每日给予不同剂量硝酸甘油(nitroglycerin, NTG)灌胃,分别于给 药4,8周后每组随机抽取6只大鼠,双能X线骨密度仪测量大鼠右侧股骨骨密度,X线片观察对比各 组骨折愈合情况,抽取静脉血后,一氧化氮试剂盒测定血清一氧化氮(nitric oxide, NO)浓度,HE染色 观察对比各组骨痂处骨小梁的数量,体积,形状。结果低剂量,中剂量和高剂量硝酸甘油组体内 NO浓度较对照组高,低剂量和中剂量组骨折愈合情况较同期对照组与高剂量组好,骨痂处骨小梁数 量较多。结论低剂量,中剂量硝酸甘油促进骨折的愈合,高剂量的硝酸甘油不能促进骨折的愈合。
      Objective To observe the effect of oral medication of nitroglycerin ( NTG) on bone healing, and to explore the effect of different doses of NTG on adjuvant therapy after osteoporotic fracture operation in ovariectomized rats. Methods Sixty 6-month female wistar rats were randomly divided into two groups: 12 rats in sham-operated ( A ) group and 48 rats in ovariestomized ( OVX) group. Twelve weeks after ovariectomy and gavage, bone mineral density ( BMD) of the right femur was tested using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry to confirm the successful establishment of osteoporosis model. Then the right femur fracture model was established. Rats in OVX group were further randomly divided into low dose NTG ( B) group, middle dose NTG ( C) group, high dose NTG ( D) group,and control group ( E). All rats in OVX group were given an intragastric gavage of different doses of NTG per day. After 4-week and 8-week gavage, 6 rats in each group were randomly selected. BMD of the right femur was tested using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. The situation of fracture healing was compared through X-ray imaging. The serum concentration of nitric oxide (NO) was tested using nitric oxide kit. The number, size, and the shape of trabecular in bone callus in each group were observed using HE staining. Results The concentrations of NO in group B, C, and D were higher than that in group E. The healing of fractures in group B and C was better than those in the control group and group D. A larger number of calluses at the trabecular bone were also observed in group B and C. Conclusion Low-dose and medium \ dose of NTG can promote the healing of fractures, whereas high doses of NTG cannot promote the healing of fractures.
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