The analysis of bone mineral density of female residents in Lanzhou
中文关键词:  城乡居民;骨密度;骨质疏松  慢性劳损;营养失调
英文关键词:Urban and rural residents  Bone mineral density  Osteoporosis  Chronic fatigue  Malnutrition
徐秀兰 陈莉 张童茜 兰州大学第一医院骨质疏松科 
摘要点击次数: 1078
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      目的探讨甘肃兰州地区城乡女性居民骨密度特点。方法对兰州城镇社区及村镇部分居民 以及乏力、骨痛为主诉就诊者,城乡居民各2000名(均排除继发性骨质疏松症),采用美国GE双能X 线骨密度测定仪进行正位腰椎(1^_4)和股骨颈骨密度测定。结果乡镇居民骨密度低于城镇居民, 观察人数城乡居民均2000人,其中正常骨量百分比城乡居民分别为41%、20%;骨量减少百分比为 34% ,43% ;骨质疏松城乡居民分别为25% ,38%。正常骨量城镇居民百分比明显高于乡镇居民,而 骨量减少组及骨质疏松比例乡镇居民髙于城镇居民(P <0.05),有统计学意义。结论城镇女性人 群腰椎L,_4各年龄组骨密度较乡镇女性高,说明乡镇女性人群长期慢性劳损、髙强度劳动以及营养 失调均会使骨丢失增加,导致骨质疏松。
      Objective To investigate the characteristics of bone mineral density (BMD) of female residents in Lanzhou. Methods A total of 2000 urban residents and 2000 rural residents, who came to the hospital with the chief complaint of fatigue or bone pain, were included. Secondary osteoporosis was excluded. BMD of the lumbar spine ( Ll-4) and the femoral neck was tested using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry ( GE Co. , USA). Results BMD of rural residents was lower than that of urban residents. The normal rate of BMD in urban and rural residents was 41% and 20% , respectively. And the rate of bone loss was 34% and 43%,respectively. The incidence of osteoporosis was 25% and 38%,respectively. All the differences were significant (^ < 0. 05). Conclusion BMD of LI -4 in each age group in female urban residents is higher than that in female rural residents, suggesting that chronic fatigue, high-intensity labor, malnutrition increase bone loss, which lead to osteoporosis.
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