Effect of swimming on bone mineral density and the levels of six bone elements in mice
中文关键词:  游泳  小鼠  骨密度  骨元素
英文关键词:wimming  Mice  Bone mineral density  Bone element
左群* 于新凯 上海体育学院 运动科学学院上海200438 
摘要点击次数: 652
全文下载次数: 645
      目的 观察游泳运动对小鼠骨密度值和6种骨元素含量的影响。方法10月龄健康雌性ICR小鼠随机分为基础对照组(C1)、安静对照组(C2)、每日运动组(S1)和隔日运动组(S2 )。所有动物适应性饲养2周后,C1组小鼠处死作为基础对照,C2组安静饲养10周,S1组每周无负重自由游泳5天,S2组每周隔日无负重自由游泳3天,游泳时间均为每天1小时。持续运动10周后,对小鼠左侧胫骨、腰椎进行取材,进行骨密度的测试,ICP法对小鼠胫骨钙Ca,镁Mg、铜Cu、锰Mn、锌Zn、硼B等6种元素含量进行测试。结果 (1)运动对小鼠胫骨密度和腰椎骨密度值影响不大,但可降低灰重/干重比值(P<0.01),提高骨有机质密度(P<0.01)。(2)除了Mg元素外,运动能使Zn,Ca,Cu,Mn,B等元素含量增加,其中Ca和B元素的含量,S2组显著高于S1组(P<0.05)。(3)相关分析显示,胫骨有机质密度与Zn元素含量呈正相关,与Mg元素含量呈负相关;腰椎骨密度与Mn,B元素含量呈显著正相关(P<0.05)o Ca与Mg,Mn,Cu,B等元素具有正相关,Cu,B,Mn者之间呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。结论 小鼠骨密度和骨元素含量随增龄发生改变,无机成分增加,有机成分减少,提示骨朝脆性增加的方向发展。游泳运动对骨密度值影响不大,但可以通过骨元素的变化影响骨成分。
      Objective To observe the effect of swimming on bone mineral density and the levels of six bone elements in mice. Methods The healthy 10-month ICR mice were randomly divided into 5 groups: basic control group(C1),sedentary control group(C2),daily exercise group(S1),and every other day exercise group(S2).After adaptive feeding for 2 weeks,mice in C1 group were executed for basic control. Mice in C2 group were sedentarily fed for 10 weeks. Mice in S1 group had 1-hour swimming without loading for 5 days each week,while mice in S2 group had 1-hour non-loading swimming every other day (3 days) each week, and the whole period lasted for 10 weeks. After 10-week exercise, bone mineral density of the left tibia and the lumbar vertebrae was detected. The contents of Ca, Mg, Cu,Mn,Zn, and B of the tibia were detected using ICP method. Results Exercise had little effect on bone mineral density of the tibia and the lumbar vertebrae, but could reduce the ration of ash density and dry density(P<0.01),and could increase bone organic density(P<0.01).Except Mg, the contents of other elements increased,and the contents of Ca and B in S2 group were higher than those in S1 group(P <0.05).The organic density of the tibia was positively related with Zn, while negatively related with Mg. Bone mineral density of the lumbar vertebrae had a significant positive relation with Mn and B(P<0.05).The content of Ca was positively related with the contents of Mg, Mn, Cu,and B. Cu,B,and Mn was significantly related with each other(P<0.05). Conclusion Bone mineral density and the contents of bone elements change along with the age. The inorganic parts increase while the organic parts decrease, indicating that the bone becomes more fragile. The effect of swimming on BMD was little,but it could affect bone composition through the change of bone elements.
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