Clinical study of the artificial bone and autogenous bone in repairing traumatic anterior alveolar bone defects in the middle-aged and elderly people
中文关键词:  牙槽骨缺损  胶原基纳米骨  自体骨  牙外伤  骨质疏松  骨密度
英文关键词:Alveolar bone defects  Nano-hydroxyapative/collagen composite  Autogenous bone  Tooth trauma  Osteoporosis  Bone mineral density
廖福琴 朱菲 张昊 张丽军 北京市和平里医院口腔科北京100013 
摘要点击次数: 658
全文下载次数: 549
      目的 探讨胶原基纳米骨(nHAC)加自体骨修复中老年外伤性前牙牙槽骨缺损的临床疗效。方法 选择23例中老年因外伤前牙牙槽骨缺损需植骨者,用nHAC加术区游离的自体骨修复缺损,采用固定正畸技术对松动牙进行固定。术后1、2、3、6、12个月复诊,术前术后均对病损部位进行临床及X线检查,观察缺损程度及新骨形成和骨密度改变。结果nHAC加自体骨修复中老年外伤性前牙牙槽骨缺损愈合成功率95.65 %,脱位牙复位固定治疗成功率88.23 %,所有患者无不良症状和体征,牙槽骨高度和宽度明显得到改善。X线片显示:胶原基纳米骨(nHAC)加自体骨植人区可见新生骨小梁,骨密度增强,骨质疏松有所改善,植人骨与宿主骨组织融为一体,牙槽骨缺损修复。结论 nHAC加自体骨修复外伤性前牙牙槽骨缺损可以增强牙槽骨密度,恢复牙槽骨的丰满度,保留了更多的牙齿,也为义齿修复提供了良好的生理基础。
      Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of the mixture of nano-hydroxyapative/collagen composite(nHAC) and autogenous bone on repairing traumatic anterior alveolar bone defects in the middle-aged and elderly people. Methods Twenty-three middle-aged and elderly patients, who had traumatic anterior alveolar bone defects and needed bone transplanting, were selected. They were treated with the mixture of nHAC and autogenous bone to repair the traumatic alveolar bone defects. Edgewise appliance was used for reduction and fixation in traumatic dislocated teeth. Afterl,2,3,6,and 12 months, all the patients needed subsequent visit. Clinical and X-ray examination of bone defects were performed to observe the degree of bone defects, new bone formation, and bone mineral density before and after the treatment. Results Among all the 23 patients, the therapeutic effective rate of using the mixture of nHAC and autogenous bone to repair traumatic anterior alveolar bone defects was 95.65%,and the success rate of fixing traumatic dislocated teeth was 88.23%.None patient had adverse reactions or symptoms. The alveolar bone height and width was obviously improved. As X-ray imaging indicated, the area where the mixture of nHAC and autogenous bone were implanted showed new bone trabecular formation.Bone mineral density increased. Osteoporosis was relieved. The implanted bone had fused with host osseous tissue as a whole.Traumatic anterior alveolar bone defects were repaired. Conclusion Using the mixture of nHAC and autogenous bone for the repair of traumatic anterior alveolar bone defects can improve the bone mineral density of alveolar, restore alveolar bone fullness, keep more autogenous teeth, and provide a better physiological foundation for denture repair.
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