The discussion on the idea that the basic pathogenesis of osteoporosis lies In spleen and lies mainly in both Yin and Yang deficiency
中文关键词:  骨质疏松症  脾虚;阴阳两虚;中医
英文关键词:Osteoporosis  Spleen deficiency  Yin and Yang deficiency  Chinese medicine
周龙云1 郭杨1 黄桂成1,2* 马勇1,2 范文超1 1.南京中医药大学骨伤研究所南京210029 2.江苏省中医院骨伤科,南京210029 
摘要点击次数: 703
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      骨质疏松症素以肾虚为本,临床以补肾益精、滋肾养阴等治为要,然时效时逊。脾胃是为后天之本,不仅充养先天之精, 而且对肢体百骸具有直接的助长、润养作用。但凡后天有源,先天之精则不竭,后天之筋骨得夯以实。重要的是,脾胃对形骸的作用包括气阳温煦以壮长肢体、脾胃营阴润养以坚固筋骨两方面。故笔者从古代经典理论、现代研究基础、生命的圆运动变化等几方面论述骨质疏松症“病本在脾,以阴阳两虚为要”这一观点。
      Traditional Chinese medicine thinks that kidney deficiency is the basic pathogenesis of osteoporosis. Nourishing the kidney, strengthening the essence, and nourishing yin are the main treatment of the disease. However, the curative effect is not so notable. The spleen and stomach is the foundation of acquired constitution. They not only strengthen the congenital essence, but also promote the body growth and nourish the muscle and bones. The congenital essence is ample and the bone and muscle are strong when the function of spleen and stomach is normal. Especially, the effects of spleen and stomach on the body include two aspects: Qi and Yang promote the body growth by wanning, and blood and Yin strength the muscle and bones by moistening. So the authors will prove the idea that the basic pathogenesis of osteoporosis lies in spleen and lies mainly in Yin and Yang deficiency, from the aspects of the classic ancient theory,the modem research,and the circular motion of lives.
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