The theoretical study of phlegm in the primary osteoporosis based on the abnormal calcium deposition
中文关键词:  钙沉积异常  原发性骨质疏松症  痰邪;理论研究
英文关键词:Abnormal calcium deposition  Primary osteoporosis  Phlegm  Theoretical study
周广文1 向楠1* 周亚娜2 张麟3 代轶楠1 周慧敏1 余欣然1 1.湖北中医药大学武汉430065 2.湖北省中医院武汉430061 3.武汉市中西医结合医院/武汉市第一医院武汉430022 
摘要点击次数: 686
全文下载次数: 541
      Osteoporosis is defined as a skeletal disease characterized by decrease of bone strength and increase of fracture risk. Bone mineral density and bone mass are the main factors related to bone strength. Bone mineralization is an important process of bone metabolism, and the abnormal deposition of calcium is one of the factors of osteoporosis. Many proteins are involved in the blood vessel calciflcation and abnormal deposition of calcium. It has been found that anti-osteoporosis drugs can relieve blood vessel calcification. Therefore, the treatment of osteoporosis can start from the regulation of calcium deposition by regulating bone calcium related proteins, and promote the normal bone mineralization and inhibit ectopic calcification. The hypothesis that osteoporosis may be related to abnormal lipid metabolism is proposed by the research group of Professor Xiang Nan, based on the correlation between lipid metabolic disorder and osteoporosis and the role of phlegm in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis. A new therapeutic formula is also proposed. A series of experimental studies have been carried out and demonstrated the feasibility of treating osteoporosis from dissipating phlegm. According to the normal regulation of calcium metabolism and pathological appearance of the abnormal calcium deposition, we believe that the abnormal deposition of calcium is a category of phlegm in Chinese traditional medicine. Therefore, nourishing the kidney and dissipating phlegm formula can be used to treat osteoporosis from the regulation of calcium deposition. It needs to be further studied and confirmed.
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