The effect of dexamethasone on bone micro-architecture in OPG" " mice
中文关键词:  地塞米松  小鼠;护骨素;基因敲除;骨微结构;骨密度
英文关键词:Dexamethasone  Mouse  Osteoprotegerin  Gene knockout  Micro-architecture  Bone mineral density
基金项目:Dexamethasone ; Mouse ; Osteoprotegerin ; Gene knockout ; Micro-architecture ; Bone mineral density
段新云1 马育林1 旷小艳1 周培文1 袁妙兰1 盛志峰2* 1. 南方医科大学附属小榄医院中山528415 2. 中南大学湘雅二医院代谢内分泌研究所长沙410011 
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      目的 探讨小剂量地塞米松对生长期小鼠骨密度及骨微结构的影响及其与OPG途径的关系。方法 20只4周龄 OPG–/–雌性小鼠及20只野生型小鼠随机分四组(n = 10):野生型安慰剂组(WT + saline),野生型地塞米松干预组(WT + DEX,地塞米松lmg/kg体重,肌肉注射,每周3次).OPG–/–敲除小鼠安慰剂组(OPG–/–+ saline) , OPG 敲除小鼠DEX干预组(OPG–/–+DEX,地塞米松1 mg/kg体重,肌肉注射,每周3次)。6周后处死小鼠,一侧胫骨行显微CT扫描分析。结果 OPG–/–组的组织骨密度、骨小梁体积分数、骨小梁数量、骨小梁厚度均较其他三组降低(P< 0.05)。OPG–/– + DEX组的组织骨密度、骨小梁体积分数、骨小梁数量、骨小梁厚度均较WT及WT + DEX组降低(P<0.05)。OPG–/–组的骨小梁模型因子及骨小梁分离度均较其他三组增加(P<0.05) ;OPG–/–+ DEX组的骨小梁模型因子及骨小梁分离度均较WT及WT + DEX组增加(P<0.05)。WT及WT +DEX组之间骨小梁微结构参数均无统计学差异。结论 在生长期小鼠OPG基因功能缺失时,地塞米松有部分拮抗骨量丢失的作用,表明除了OPG/RANKL途径,地塞米松对骨代谢的影响是多途径的。
      Objective To observe the effect of low-dose dexamethasone on bone mineral density and micro-architecture in growing mice without OPG gene. Methods Twenty 4-week-old female OPG–/– mice and twenty 4-week-old wild type mice were randomly assigned to 4 groups (w = 10) : wild type and placebo group (WT + saline),wild type and dexamethasone group (WT + DXM, 1 mg/kg, intramuscular injection, 3 times/w) , OPG–/– and placebo group ( OPG–/– + saline) , and OPG–/– and dexamethasone group (OPG–/– + DEX, 1 mg/kg, intramuscular injection, 3 times/w). The mice were sacrificed after 6 weeks. One side of the tibia of each mouse was selected for micro-CT analysis. Results Tb. N, BS/BV, Tb. Th, and tBMD significantly decreased in OPG–/– mice than those in the other three groups ( P <0.05). Tb. N, BS/BV, Tb. Th, and tBMD significantly decreased in OPG–/– + DEX mice than those in WT and WT + DEX mice (P<0. 05). Tb. Pf and Tb. Sp significantly increased in OPG–/– mice than those in the other three groups (P<0.05). Tb. Pf and Tb. Sp significantly increased in OPG–/– + DEX mice than those in WT and WT + DXM mice (P < 0. 05). BMD and bone micro-architecture parameters were not significantly different between WT and WT + DXM mice. Conclusion Dexamethasone partly extenuates the bone loss in growing mice without OPG gene function. It indicates that in addition to OPG/RANKL pathway, dexamethasone affects bone metabolism through multiple pathways.
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