Correlation analysis between muscle strength of the lower extremities and bone mineral density in elderly women
中文关键词:  等速肌力  骨密度  骨质疏松  老年女性
英文关键词:Isokinetic muscle strength  Bone mineral density  Osteoporosis  Elderly women
米思奇 阿坝师范学院四川 水磨镇623002 
摘要点击次数: 639
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      探讨老年女性膝、踝关节不同角速度等速肌力与骨密度的相关性,为针对性力量训练改善骨密度提供理论依据。 方法采用IsoMed2000等速肌力测试仪对42例健康老年女性,进行优势侧60°/s(5次)和180°/s( 20次)膝、踝关节屈伸测试。肌肉峰力矩与优势侧股骨近端BMD进行主成分分析相关性。结果 1)与股骨颈BMD呈显著正相关肌力指标:膝关节伸肌绝对力、爆发力和肌耐力(r = 0.572,r =0.662, r =0.691)。踝关节伸肌绝对力、爆发力和屈、伸肌耐力(r = 0. 429,r = 0.667,r=0.617,r=0.509);2)与大转子BMD呈显著正相关肌力指标:膝关节屈肌爆发力和屈、伸肌耐力(r= 0. 522,r = 0.526,r=0.525),踝关节伸肌爆发力和屈肌耐力(r = 0. 576,r=0. 601) ;3)与Ward’ S三角区呈显著相关肌力指标:膝关节伸肌绝对力( r=0.536),踝关节屈肌耐力(r=0.612)。结论 加强老年女性大腿前群肌和小腿后群肌绝对力和爆发力,同时注重膝关节伸和踝关节屈耐力练习有利于提高股骨近端BMD。
      Objective To investigate the correlation between muscle strength of the knee and ankle joints in different angular velocity and bone mineral density (BMD) in elderly women, in order to provid theoretical basis of strength training for improve bone mineral density. Methods The eccentric and concentric contraction test on the dominant knee and ankle joints (60°/s, 180°/s) was performed in 42 healthy elder women using IsoMed 2000 isokinetic dynamometer. Correlation between the highest peak torque (PT) and dominant proximal femur BMD was analyzed. Results 1) The strength of knee and ankle extensors (r = 0.572, r = 0.429), explosive force (r = 0. 662, r = 0. 667), the endurance of the knee extensor (r = 0.691), ankle extensor and flexor (r = 0.617, r = 0.509) showed significant positive correlation with BMD of the femoral neck. 2) Knee flexor explosive force (r = 0.522),the endurance of the knee extensor and flexor (r = 0. 526, r = 0. 525),and ankle extensor explosive force and the endurance of ankle flexor (r = 0. 576, r = 0.601) showed significant positive correlation with BMD of the greater trochanter. 3) PT of knee extensor and the endurance of the ankle flexor ( r = 0.536,r = 0.612) had significant positive correlation with BMD of the Ward ’s triangle. Conclusion Enhancing the anterior muscle of thigh and posterior muscles of shank and paying attention to the endurance exercise of knee extensor and ankle flexor may be beneficial to promote the BMD of the proximal femur in elderly women.
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