The relationship of bone mineral density with bone biochemical markers and testosterone and estradiol in Fujian of Chinese She-zu
中文关键词:  骨密度  汉族;畲族;25-羟基维生素D3  骨钙素;雌二醇;睾酮;甲状旁腺激素;1型前胶原氨基末端肽;碱性磷酸酶
英文关键词:Bone mineral density  Han-zu  She-zu  25-hydroxy vitamin D3  Osteocalcin  Estradiol  Testosterone  Parathyroid hormone  Type 1 procollagen aminoterminal peptide  Alkaline phosphatase
基金项目:民政部十一五期间老年学研究骨质疏松项目(民人科教字[2008]47-144) ;2012年福建省医学创新课题资助项目(2012-CXB- 46) ;2014年福建省自然科学基金资助项目(2014J01391)
杨俊华* 王国荣 周芳烨 郑逊 朱嘉华 石旺清 杨季萍 福建医科大学附属莆田市第一医院莆田351100 
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      目的 探讨福建地区畲族健康人群骨密度与骨生化指标以及睾酮雌二醇之间的关系,并与汉族人群比较,为本地区骨质疏松防治提供依据。方法 选择本地区畲族聚集地20岁以上健康成年人,其中畲族1371人,汉族1432人,应用美国 Osdeometer Medi Tech公司生产的DTX-200骨密度吸收仪检测骨密度,以及用罗氏公司的骨生化指标仪器及试剂盒,测量骨密度以及25羟维生素D3(25(OH)D3)、骨钙素(BGP)、雌二醇(E2)、睾酮(T)、甲状旁腺激素(PTH)、1型前胶原氨基末端肽 (P1NP)、碱性磷酸酶(ALP)。把上述检测的数据结果输人电脑,应用SPSS17.0软件包进行数据分析。结果 不管畲族和汉族的骨密度均随着年龄的增大而下降,同年龄组男性均高于女性。畲族女性除在40~49岁年龄组稍高于汉族外,其他年龄组汉族女性均高于畲族。但汉族与畲族间都没有显著性差异(P >0.05)。畲族男女性的骨密度峰值在40 ~49岁年龄组,汉族的男女性的峰值在30 ~39岁年龄组。汉族的25(OH)D3明显高于畲族,尤其女性在40~59岁年龄组、男性在50?69岁年龄组为正相关(P <0.05)。在40 ~69岁中畲族男性的BGP高于汉族男性(P<0.05)。汉族男的E2指标均高于畲族男,且40 ~59年龄组尤为明显(P <0. 05)。P1NP在汉族男女性高于畲族男女性,其中50 ~59岁,70岁~79岁,和80以上3组的汉族男和畲族男P1NP指标差异显著(P<0.05),50岁以上4组汉族女P1NP指标均比畲族女高,差异显著(P<0.05)。经皮尔森相关分析,骨密度与E2、25(OH)D3、T成正相关,而与PTH、BGP、P1NP成负相关。结论 本研究25 ( OH) D3、BGP、P1NP、E2 测定可以作为汉族、畲族健康人群早期检测指标,畲族的25(OH)D3水平普遍偏低,可能与他们的生活方式或者维生素D基因有关,值得进一步研究。骨密度与25(OH)D3、E2、T有明显正相关,而与PTH、PINP、BCG呈负相关,与ALP无明显相关。
      Objective Discuss the relationship of bone mineral density (BMD) with bone biochemical markers and testosterone and estradiol in Fujian of Chineses She-zu, and comparing with the Han-zu, in order to provide the basis for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in the region. Methods Select healthy adults over 20 years old from the gathering place of Chinese She- Zhu,including The Chinese She-Zhu 1371 and Chinese Han 1432. Use DTX-200 BMD absorptiometry ( made in Osdeometer Medi Tech company of USA) detect the BMD. Measuring content of BMD, 25 (OH) D3, BGP, E2, T, PTH, P1NP, ALP. The date was analyzed with the application SPSS17. 0 software package. Results Average density decreases were increasing with age regardless of She-zu or Han-zu, Men are higher than women in same age. The women of Han-zu are higher than She-zu in same age in addition to the age of 40-49,No Significant differences between Han-zu and She-zu(P >0. 05) ,BMD in males of She-zu reached in a peak at 40 -49 years old group and of Han-zu reached in a peak at 30-39 years old group. 25(OH)D3of Han-zu significantly higher than She-zu,especially women between the 40-59 age and men between the 50- 69 age,there is a positive correlation (P< 0. 05). BGP of She-zu is higher than Han-zu, especially men between the 40 -69 age (P < 0. 05). The E2 indicators of Han male were higher than She-zu male, especially 40-59 age group (P <0. 05). P1NP of Han-zu is higher than She-zu, especially men at 50-59 age, 80 above groups, women above 50 age groups(P <0.05). The Pearson correlation analysis showed BMD were positive correlation with E2, 25(OH)D3, T,and negative correlation with PTH、BGP、PINP. Conclusions The study of 25 (OH)D3, BGP, P1NP, E2 can be used as the Han-zu、She-zu healthy people for early detection of targets, 25( OH)D3 levels of She-zu generally was low, may be related to their lifestyle or vitamin D gene, deserves further study. BMD have significant positive correlation with 25(OH)D3, E2,T. No negative correlation with PTH, PINP, BCG, and no significant correlation with ALP.
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