Study of the effect of exercise posture correction for the modified five-beast game on bone in human
中文关键词:  人体运动姿态  五禽戏  骨效应  骨质疏松
英文关键词:Human movement posture  Five-bird game  Bone effect  Osteoporosis
基金项目:2013年国家中医药管理局行业专项(201307010) ;2014年浙江省中医药科学研究基金项目(2014ZB050)
王博1 吴鹏1 阮芝芳2 史晓林2* 1. 浙江中医药大学杭州310053 2. 浙江中医药大学附属第二医院杭州310005 
摘要点击次数: 603
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      目的 观察人体运动姿态的校正对改良五禽戏增加骨效应的影响。方法 “五禽戏”是由后汉著名的医学家华佗在 “流水不腐户枢不蠹”的思想指导下,总结前人健身活动经验,模仿虎、鹿、熊、猿、鹤等兽禽动作编创而成,用以活动筋骨,增强体质,是中华民族一种古老的健身体操。改良五禽戏是浙江中医药大学体育部在传统五禽戏的基础上进行简化、改编而成,分为虎举、虎扑、鹿转、鹿抵、熊攀、熊晃、猿摘、猿蹲、鸟翔和鸟展十个动作,用于日常体育课程教学。改良五禽戏继承了传统五禽戏的健身原理,对一些难度较大的动作进行简化和改良,更适合广大中老年人练习。多积极参加运动可以适度提升骨量,改善身体状况,需要锻炼的中老年人往往会出现条件限制使锻炼时间减少、运动姿势不标准达不到预期的效果甚至不合适的运动对身体不利。本文探讨运动姿态的校正系统应用于改良五禽戏动作的校正,在原理、技术、设备等方面论证其可行性及意义。结果 该系统原理充分、技术可靠、设备齐全,可以使改良五禽戏动作更加标准化,更大程度地增加骨效应。结论 人体运动姿态的校正对改良五禽戏增加骨效应有着良好的促进作用,切实可行,值得付诸实践。
      Objective To observe the effect of human posture correction for modified five-beast game on the increase of bone. Methods Five-beast game was created by famous physician Huatuo in late Han dynasty. It was inspired by the concept of no corruption in running water and moving door, by summary of the experience of fitness activities, and by imitation of the movement of tiger, deer, bear, ape, and crane. It is ancient Chinese fitness gymnastics for exercise and improvement of physique. Modified five-beast game is simplified and adapted on the basis of traditional game in Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is divided to the 10 postures, including tiger-lift, tiger-strike,deer-tum, deer-strike, bear-climb, bear-shake, ape-pick, ape-squat, bird-fly, and bird-spread, for daily physical education curriculum teaching. Modified five-beast game inherits the traditional game principle,simplifies the difficult movements, and is more suitable for the elderly. More active part in sports can moderately increase bone mass and improve body status. Limited conditions in elder people often cause reduced exercise time, non-standard posture, and even inappropriate for health. This paper discussed the application of motion correction system using modified five-beast game, and the feasibility and significance in principle, technology, and equipment. Results The principle of the system was fully complete, reliable in technology and equipment. The modified five-beast game was more standardized and had more effect to increase bone. Conclusion Correction human movement posture improves five-beast game and increases bone effect. It is feasible and is worth to apply in practice.
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