The characteristics and treatment status of fragile hip fracturse in the south area of Fujian
中文关键词:  髋部;脆性骨折  发病特点;治疗
英文关键词:Hip  Fragile fracture  Characteristics  Treatment
王培文 李毅中* 林金矿 姚学东 俞海明 庄华烽 林晓聪 福建医科大学附属第二医院骨科泉州362000 
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      目的 通过回顾分析闽南地区到我院骨科住院治疗的脆性髋部骨折患者的发病特点以及治疗的现状,为本地区老年人脆性髋部骨折的预防和治疗提供依据。方法 采用回顾性研究方法,收集我院2010-2012年骨科收治的年龄大于50岁的脆性髋部骨折患者的病历资料及部分获得随访的患者的随访资料,采集患者个人特征(性别与年龄)、受伤的年份与季节、骨 折类型、治疗方式、抗骨质疏松方案、随访1年的死亡率,并进行统计分析整理。结果 3年间我院收治年龄大于50岁的脆性髋部骨折患者560例,发病有地区性特点,各年份病例数基本持平(2010年190例,2011年184例,2012年186例),各年份构成比差异无统计学意义(P>0. 05);女性患者(373例)明显多于男性(187例),男女比例为1: 2,男女构成比差异有显著的统计学意义(P <0. 05);股骨颈骨折(316例)多于股骨转子间骨折(244例);平均年龄高达77. 19 ± 10. 38岁,各年龄段构成比差异有显著的统计学意义(P<0. 05);发病例数以春季(149例)、冬季(145例)为多,冬春季与夏秋季间的构成比差异有统计学意义(P<0. 05);采用手术治疗比例89. 11% (499/560);住院期间有进行骨密度检查的患者80例,住院期间有抗骨质疏松治疗的患者比例63. 93% (358/560),获得随访的患者出院后继续抗骨质疏松治疗的比例仅20. 63% (59/286);随访超过1年的 231例患者中,手术组1年死亡率(6. 57%)明显低于非手术组(72. 73%),差异有显著性统计学意义(P <0.05)。结论 闽南地区脆性髋部骨折发病有其地区特点,尤其在年龄、性别、发病部位、发病季节、治疗方法有一定分布规律,目前抗骨质疏松治疗重视程度仍然不够,应加强宣传,深人开展防治策略研究来预防骨折的发生。
      Objective To provide prevention and treatment evidence for elderly fragile fractures in the south area of Fujian by retrospectively analyzing the characteristics and treatment status of fragile fractures treated in orthopedic department of our hospital. Methods The fragile hip fracture patients who were older than 50 years and treated in our hospital from 2010 to 2012 were collected and retrospectively studied. The personal characteristics ( gender and age) , injury year and season, fracture types, treatment approaches,anti-osteoporosis therapy, and one-year follow-up mortality were collected and statistically analyzed. Results There were 560 fragile hip fracture patients who were older than 50 years old in our hospital in 3 years. The incidence was of regional characteristics. The number of cases each year was essentially flat (190 cases in 2010,184 cases in 2011,and 186 cases in 2012). The incidence of each year was not statistically different (P >0. 05). Female patients (373 cases) were significantly more than male patients (187 cases) , and the male to female ratio was 1:2,with statistical significance (P <0.05). Fractures in the femoral neck (316 cases) were more than those in the intertrochanter (244 cases). The average age was 77. 19 ± 10. 38 years old. There was significant statistical significance (P <0. 05) between age proportion group. The number of cases in spring (149 cases) and winter (145 cases) were more, and the proportion between winter spring and summer was statistically significant (P <0. 05). The surgical treatment ratio was 89. 11% (499/560). Eighty patients had BMD examination when they stayed in the hospital. The proportion of patients who had anti-osteoporosis therapy during hospitalization was 63. 93% (358/560). The ratio of continued anti-osteoporosis treatment in follow-up patients was only 20. 63% (59/286). In the 231 patients with more than one-year followed-up, the mortality in the surgical group (6.57%) was significantly lower than the that in non-surgical group (72.73% ),and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0. 05). Conclusion The fragile hip fracture in south area of Fujian is characterized by the distribution in age, gender, disease location, season occurrence, and treatment method. The attention of anti-osteoporosis therapy is insufficiently paid. Education should be strengthened in the publicity and the strategy of prevention and treatment should be carried out to prevent fractures.
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