The relation between hyperuricemia and bone mineral density in joint fusion regions after ankle arthrodesis
中文关键词:  高尿酸血症  踝关节融合术  骨密度
英文关键词:Hyperuricemia  Ankle arthrodesis  Bone mineral density
李扬1 张延辉1 荣胜忠3 王德平2 关悦2 * 1.红旗医院骨外一科黑龙江 牡丹江157099 2.红旗医院内分泌科黑龙江 牡丹江157099 3.牡丹江医学院统计学教研室黑龙江 牡丹江157099 
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      目的 研究并比较不同血尿酸浓度患者行踝关节融合术后融合部位骨密度,探讨高尿酸血症对踝关节融合术后融合部位骨密度的影响。方法 选取踝关节融合术后患者60名,按照不同血尿酸浓度分组,术后24 h、l、2、4、8、12 w检测融合部位骨密度值。多组间比较采用ANOVA检验,两两组间比较采用LSD分析血尿酸浓度与融合部位骨密度的关系。结果 融合部位骨密度值在低浓度组和高浓度组随时间降低,低浓度组和高浓度组的融合部位骨密度BMD值均显著低于对照组(P < 0.05),且高浓度组的融合部位骨密度T值均显著低于低浓度组(P <0.05)。结论 踝关节融合术后患者合并血尿酸增高,会造成融合部位骨质密度降低,对踝关节融合可能造成不利影响。
      Objective To explore the BMD of the fusion region in ankle arthrodesis patients with different level of serum uric acid. Methods A total of 60 patients with ankle arthrodesis were included in the study. The subjects were divided into group base on the different levels of serum uric acid. BMD of the fusion regions were measured at 1 day, 1, 2, 4,6,and 12 weeks after surgery. ANOVA was performed to analyze the difference of BMD between the groups. The relationship between serum uric acid and BMD was analyzed using LSD method. Results BMD of the fusion regions decreased in low level and high level groups. BMD in low level and high level groups was lower than that in the control group (P< 0. 05), BMD T value in high level group was lower than that in low level group (P < 0. 05). Conclusion The increase of serum uric acid in patients with ankle arthrodesis leads to the decrease of BMD in the fusion site, which may have adverse effect on the ankle joint fusion.
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