The role of ERα-AMPK-Sirt1 signaling pathway in osteoporosis
中文关键词:  骨质疏松症  雌激素受体α  单磷酸腺苷活化蛋白激酶  沉默信息调节因子2相关酶1
英文关键词:osteoporosis  estrogen receptor alpha  AMP-activated protein kinase  Sirtuin 1
姜涛1,2 邵敏2* 陈庆真2 徐绍俊3 汪钦生2 黄永青1,2 何挺4 曾振明5 欧阳艳菲2 1.广州中医药大学广东 广州 510405 2.广州中医药大学第三附属医院广东 广州 510240 3.广州市正骨医院广东 广州 510045 4.广州市荔湾区骨伤科医院广东 广州 510140 5.深圳市宝安区中医院广东 深圳 518100 
摘要点击次数: 1566
全文下载次数: 443
      In recent years, molecular signaling pathways related to bone metabolism has become a hot topic. Studies have revealed that signaling pathways associated with osteoporosis include Wnt/β-catenin, RANKL/RANK/OPG, NF-κB, PPAR-γ, PTH, MAPK, PI3K/Akt, Hedgehog and Notch signaling pathways. However, there has been no study concentrated on ERα-AMPK-Sirt1 signaling pathway. Estrogen receptor alpha (ERα), AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and Sirtuin 1(Sirt1) can regulate the function of osteoblast or osteoclast by ligand binding, phosphorylation and deacetylation, respectively. Studies have indicated that ERα can directly increase the activity of LKB1, while LKB1 is the most important upstream protein kinase of AMPK, as a result, AMPK is activated. In addition, the mutual promotion of AMPK and Sirt1 can also modulate the autophagy or apoptosis of osteoblast; all these suggested that ERα-AMPK-Sirt1 signaling pathway may play an important role in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis. To sum up, it is necessary to start the research of ERα-AMPK-Sirt1 signaling pathway in order to better guide the development of new drugs and clinical practice.
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