The application of network pharmacology in the treatment of osteoporosis using traditional Chinese medicine
中文关键词:  传统中药  网络药理学  数据库  骨质疏松症
英文关键词:traditional Chinese medicine  network pharmacology  database  osteoporosis
黄景文 李生强 陈娟 谢丽华 陈玄 葛继荣* 福建省中医药研究院骨质疏松证候基因组学研究室福建 福州 350001 
摘要点击次数: 1352
全文下载次数: 401
      With the increase of life expectancy, the incidence of osteoporosis increases year by year in the elderly, which seriously affects their physical and mental health. Traditional Chinese medicine has a long history, with definite efficacy and less toxicity, so it is often used to treat osteoporosis. However, the complex composition and unknown mechanism of TCM are a great challenge. The rise of the new scientific concept of network pharmacology is just right to solve this problem. Applying the ideas and methods of network pharmacology in traditional Chinese medicine pharmacology research, has become a new trend to explore the mechanism of action of traditional Chinese medicine under the background of the molecular network regulation, and is an important way to further promote the development of osteoporosis prevention and treatment. This article reviews the application of network pharmacology in the treatment of osteoporosis using traditional Chinese medicine.
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