Clinical study of the treatment of osteoporosis after stroke with warm acupuncture and moxibustion combined with exercise
中文关键词:  温针灸  运动疗法  脑卒中  骨质疏松
英文关键词:warm acupuncture  exercise therapy  stroke  osteoporosis
范培武* 李斌 黄炎 淮南东方医院集团总院安徽 淮南232001 
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      目的 观察采用温针灸联合运动疗法治疗卒中后骨质疏松的临床应用效果研究。方法 选取 2016年7月至2019年7月在我院接受治疗的79例脑卒中后骨质疏松症患者为研究对象,按照数字表法将所有患者随机分成观察组40例,对照组39例,观察组采用温针灸联合运动疗法及常规服药综合治疗,对照组采用运动疗法结合常规服药治疗,对两组患者骨密度水平,骨代谢相关指标、躯体疼痛程度和治疗总有效率等方面进行比较和分析。结果 观察组患者骨密度水平和骨代谢相关指标改善明显优于对照组,观察组的疼痛VAS评分降低程度明显优于对照组,治疗的总有效率也显著高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义( P 均<0.05) 。结论 采用温针灸联合运动疗法治疗卒中后骨质疏松效果显著,可明显降低患者的疼痛VAS评分,改善患者骨密度和骨代谢水平,联合治疗比单一的治疗更有优势。
      Objective To observe the clinical effect of warming needle moxibustion combined with exercise therapy on osteoporosis after stroke. Methods Seventy-nine cases of post-stroke osteoporosis treated in our hospital from July 2016 to July 2019 were selected as the research objects. According to the digital table method, all the patients were randomly divided into observation group (40 cases) and control group (39 cases). The patients in observation group were treated with warm needle moxibustion combined with exercise therapy and conventional medicine combined therapy, while the patients in control group were treated with exercise therapy combined with regular therapy. Bone mineral density (BMD), bone metabolism related indicators, body pain, and total effective rate of treatment were compared and analyzed between the two groups. Results The improvement of BMD and bone metabolism related indexes in the observation group was significantly better than that in the control group. The pain VAS score in the observation group was significantly lower than that in the control group. The total effective rate of treatment was also significantly higher than that in the control group, with statistical significance (P < 0.05). Conclusion Warm needle moxibustion combined with exercise therapy is effective in the treatment of osteoporosis after stroke. It can significantly reduce the pain VAS score and improve BMD and bone metabolism of the patients. Combined therapy has more advantages than single treatment.
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