Discussion on the rule of prescription compatibility of blood stasis type osteoporosis
中文关键词:  中医中药  血瘀  骨质疏松  配伍  聚类分析  关联规则
英文关键词:raditional Chinese medicine  stasis of blood  osteoporosis  compatibility  cluster analysis  association rules
张芸1,2 薛景才3 郑平原2 仪庆春2 王均宁1* 王福良4 王文波3 1.山东中医药大学山东 济南 250355 2.威海卫人民医院山东 威海 264200 3.山东中医药大学第二附属医院山东 济南 250012 4.安丘市中医院山东 潍坊 262100 
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      目的 通过数据挖掘探讨中医药治疗血瘀型骨质疏松症的方药配伍规律。方法 收集整理中国期刊全文数据库等数据库中公开发表的治疗血瘀型骨质疏松症的文献,设定筛选条件,筛选有效中药处方,并对方药名称进行规范,应用频数统计、聚类分析、因子分析、关联规则算法对血瘀型骨质疏松症的核心用药及组方规律进行探讨研究及系统分析。结果 筛选出治疗血瘀型骨质疏松症的有效文献共127篇,共涉中药160味,药物出现总频次1459次。共提取出药物组合公因子10个,采用组间联接的聚类分析方法共得到5类药物组合,关联规则分析的核心用药组合为12组。结论 血瘀型骨质疏松症血瘀型骨质疏松症为本虚标实之证,与肝脾肾有关,与肾脏关系最为密切。治疗中应当把握以肾虚为要,以瘀实为次,补虚为先、攻邪为次;同时兼顾肝脾,重视补气及行气药物的应用,气血并调。
      Objective To explore the compatibility of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of blood stasis type osteoporosis by data mining. Methods The published literatures concerning the treatment of blood stasis type osteoporosis in the database of Chinese journals with full text and other databases were collected and sorted. The screening condition was set, the effective Chinese medicine prescriptions were screened, and the prescription names were standardized. The core medication and prescription rules of blood stasis type osteoporosis were discussed with frequency statistics, cluster analysis, factor analysis and association rule algorithm, and system analysis. Results A total of 127 effective literatures for the treatment of osteoporosis of blood stasis type were selected, involving 160 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine, and the total frequency of drug occurrence was 1459 times. A total of 10 common factors of drug combinations were extracted, and 5 drug combinations were obtained by cluster analysis method of inter group linkage. The core drug combination of association rule analysis was 12 groups. Conclusion Blood stasis type osteoporosis is the syndrome of deficiency and excess, which is related to the liver, spleen and kidney, and is most closely related to kidney. In the treatment, we should take kidney deficiency as the main point, blood stasis as the second, tonifying deficiency as the first and attacking pathogenic factors as the second. At the same time, we should take the liver and spleen into account, pay attention to the application of Qi tonifying and Qi promoting drugs, and regulate Qi and blood simultaneously.
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