Study on bone metabolism turnover in maintenance hemodialysis patients
中文关键词:  慢性肾脏病  维持性血液透析  骨钙素N端  Ⅰ型胶原羧基端肽交联  甲状旁腺激素  骨钙素  骨转换标志物
英文关键词:chronic kidney disease  maintenance hemodialysis  osteocalcin in N terminal  β-CrossLaps/serum  parathyroid hormone  bone Gla-protein  bone turnover markers
毛旭东1* 江妍斐2 盛骏骎3 茅俊杰4 王燕1 周颖1 1.复旦大学附属中山医院徐汇医院全科上海 200031 2.复旦大学附属中山医院徐汇医院内分泌科上海 200031 3.复旦大学附属中山医院徐汇医院肾内科上海 200031 4.复旦大学附属中山医院徐汇医院呼吸科上海 200031 
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      目的 通过骨转换标志物的检测研究维持性血液透析患者的骨代谢状况。方法 随机选取77例维持性血液透析治疗的尿毒症患者作为研究组,通过测定骨转换标志物来观察骨流失状况。结果 依据检测后的PTH值将研究组分成3组,A组PTH<150 pg/mL、B组150 pg/mL≤PTH<300 pg/mL、C组PTH≥300 pg/mL,3组组间年龄、血肌酐、血β-微球蛋白、肾小球滤过率、血磷、钙磷乘积、骨钙素、N-MID、β-CTX均有显著差异。β-CTX、N-MID、BGP、钙磷乘积、血磷、血β-微球蛋白各值A组<B组<C组,而年龄、肾小球滤过率各值C组<B组<A组。同时根据四分位法将检测后的β-CTX值分成4组,甲、乙、丙、丁4组均数分别为(0.725±0.225) ng/mL、(1.264±0.136) ng/mL、(1.699±0.184) ng/mL、(3.126±0.849) ng/mL,4组间肾小球滤过率、钙磷乘积、甲状旁腺素、骨钙素、N-MID均有显著差异,随着血β-CTX的升高,钙磷乘积、甲状旁腺素、骨钙素、N-MID值均增加,肾小球滤过率降低。结论 维持性血液透析患者随着PTH值升高和肾小球滤过率下降,反映骨代谢状况的骨钙素、N-MID、β-CTX值均增高,骨代谢活跃,骨流失加重。
      Objective To study the bone metabolism turnover in maintenance hemodialysis patients through the detection of the bone turnover markers. Methods Seventy-seven uremia patients on maintenance hemodialysis were randomly selected as the study group to observe the status of bone loss by measuring the bone turnover markers. Results According to PTH, the study group was divided into 3 groups: group A (PTH < 150 pg/mL), group B (150 pg/mL≤PTH<300 pg/mL ), and group C (PTH≥300 pg/mL). There were significant differences in age, creatinine, blood β-microglobulin, glomerular filtration rate, blood phosphorus, calcium-phosphorus product, BGP, N-MID, and β-CTX among the three groups. The levels of β-CTX, N-MID, BGP, calcium-phosphorus product, blood phosphorus, blood β-microglobulin showed an ascending manner from group A to group B to group C. Age and glomerular filtration rate showed an ascending manner from group C to group B to group A. β-CTX was divided into four groups, group A (0.725±0.225 pg/mL), group B (1.264±0.136 pg/mL), group C (1.699±0.184 pg/mL), and group D (3.126±0.849 pg/mL) according to the quartile method. There were significant differences in GFR, calcium-phosphorus product, parathyroid hormone, BGP, and N-MID among the 4 groups. When β-CTX elevated, the product of calcium and phosphorus, PTH, BGP, and N-MID increased, but GFR decreased. Conclusion With the increase of PTH and the decrease of GFR in maintenance hemodialysis patients, the levels of BGP, N-MID, and β-CTX that reflect the status of bone metabolism increase, the bone metabolism is active, and the bone loss is aggravated.
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