On osteoporosis from the perspective of " Gu Xuan Fu-Zang Xiang
中文关键词:  骨玄府  藏象  骨质疏松症  脏腑  中医理论
英文关键词:Gu Xuan Fu  Zang Xiang  osteoporosis  Zang and Fu  Chinese medicine theory
吴结枝 黄海平 陈沙 雷晓明 刘平安 张国民* 湖南中医药大学 
摘要点击次数: 493
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      Abstract: Osteoporosis (OP) belongs to the category of bone diseases in traditional Chinese medicine, and it is a complex disease involving multiple organs and organs. The occurrence of OP is mainly due to deficiency of liver, spleen and kidney and blood stasis, which is closely related to the function of viscera. By studying the microscopic understanding of pathogenesis in traditional Chinese medicine-Xuan fu theory, it is considered that Gu Xuan Fu is closely related to osteoporosis, while the treatment of OP in traditional Chinese medicine is mostly based on the viscera of macroscopic viscera theory, and the microscopic treatment of OP still needs to be improved, while the physiological (essence, qi, blood and body fluid) and pathological products caused by the change of viscera function belong to the same source as the qi, blood and body fluid semen that goes up and down in Xuan fu theory. Therefore, in this paper, the macroscopic viscera-viscera-microscopic mysterious mansion is used as a medium to explore the pathogenesis of the macroscopic and microscopic diseases of OP in traditional Chinese medicine, so as to enrich the treatment thinking of OP by traditional Chinese medicine.
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