Muscle-bone crosstalk and the research progress on the intervention of traditional Chinese medicine in signaling pathways such as AkT/mTOR/Wnt/β-catenin/BMP
中文关键词:  肌少-骨质疏松症  肌骨共生  中药活性成分  信号通路
英文关键词:osteo-sarcopenia  muscle bone symbiosis  active ingredients of traditional Chinese medicine  signaling pathway
刘晏东1 邓强2* 张彦军*2 李中锋2 彭冉东2 王雨榕2 陈博1 杨军1 杜健强1 1.甘肃中医药大学甘肃 兰州 730000 2.甘肃省中医院甘肃 兰州 730050 
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      If muscle and bone decay occur simultaneously, it indicates an increased risk of adverse outcomes in life. We refer to this disease as sarcopenia osteoporosis, and its harm to the human body is far greater than simple muscle decay or bone loss. Although the academic community has conducted extensive research on muscle bone crosstalk and muscle bone co reduction, there is still a serious lack of safe and reliable direct therapies in clinical practice to target both muscle and bone simultaneously. Given the enormous threat this disease poses to human health, it is urgent to develop drugs with muscle bone symbiotic effects. Traditional Chinese medicine, as the main means of disease prevention and treatment in traditional Chinese medicine, is widely used in various chronic diseases. Among them, some traditional Chinese medicines not only regulate the muscle system, but also have significant effects on the skeletal system. This article will be based on AkT/mTOR/Wnt/β- Exploring the Catenin/BMP signaling pathway and the role and application of traditional Chinese medicine and its active ingredients in both muscle and bone formation in this field.
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