Research progress on the prevention and treatment of elderly osteoporosis based on brain gate related exploration
中文关键词:  脑命门相关  下丘脑  老年性骨质疏松症  中医中药
英文关键词:brain gate related  hypothalamus  elderly osteoporosis  traditional Chinese medicine
李鑫生1 朱换平2* 李育光1 张鑫1 谢潜锋1 王文霞3 1.甘肃中医药大学甘肃 兰州 730000 2.甘肃省中医院甘肃 兰州 730050 3.陇南市第一人民医院甘肃 陇南 746000 
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      随着我国人口老龄化的加剧,老年性骨质疏松症(senile osteoporosis,SOP)已严重威胁到老年人生命健康,成为重大的公共卫生挑战亟待解决。明确该病的发病机制是防治的关键。中医学认为脑与命门密切相关,命门贯属于脑。脑髓失养,命门火衰是该病发生的根源。现代研究发现,中医温补命门的针灸和中药复方,可作用于下丘脑及其靶腺轴,调节骨代谢紊乱,改善SOP症状。因此,笔者试从脑命门相关理论出发,综合国内外相关文献,探讨SOP发病机制和中医药防治最新进展,以期为SOP提供新的防治思路。
      With the intensification of aging in China, osteoporosis in the elderly (SOP) has seriously threatened the life and health of the elderly, becoming a major public health challenge that needs to be solved urgently. Clarifying the pathogenesis of this disease is the key to prevention and treatment. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the brain is closely related to the gate of life, and the gate of life belongs to the brain. The root cause of this disease is the loss of nourishment in the brain and marrow, as well as the decline of the vital fire. Modern research has found that acupuncture and moxibustion and traditional Chinese medicine prescription of warming and tonifying the vital gate can act on the hypothalamus and its target gland axis, regulate bone metabolism disorder and improve SOP symptoms. Therefore, the author attempts to explore the pathogenesis of SOP and the latest progress in traditional Chinese medicine prevention and treatment based on the theory of brain vital gates and relevant literature at home and abroad, in order to provide new prevention and treatment ideas for SOP.
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