中国大陆地区以-2.5SD为诊断的骨质疏松症发病率 文献回顾性研究
A retrospective literature study of osteoporosis incidence based on -2.5 SD criteria in mainland China
中文关键词:  骨质疏松  中国大陆  发病率
英文关键词:Osteoporosis  Mainland China  Incidence
张智海1刘忠厚2*石少辉1李艳宁1 中国医科大学航空总医院脊柱外科北京 
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全文下载次数: 3948
      目的通过对国内发表骨密度流行病调査相关文献进行分析和评价,进一步了解中国大陆地区以-2.5SD为诊断标准 的骨质疏松症发病的情况。方法以中国医院数字图书馆(CHKD)以及万方数据为工具,以“骨质疏松”和“发病率”为主题 词,检索带有各年龄段的男女样本量、测量部位、骨密度值、DEXA设备型号、骨质疏松症发病率等文献。骨质疏松诊断方法为 双能X线吸收测量法,诊断标准为T值低于-2. 5SD。应用统计学软件对我国骨质疏松发病情况进行分析。结果共检索 109篇全文文献,其中16篇文献符合要求,其中6篇文献为同一型号仪器测量骨密度。40岁-50岁年龄段,女性骨质疏松发 病率为 6.37% ±2. 39%,男性为 4.11% ± 1. 70%,50 岁-60 岁年龄段,女性21.75% ±5. 96%,男性为 12.90% ±6. 35% ;60 岁 -70岁年龄段:女性为46.38% ±12.03%。男性为19.90% ±8.31%。70岁-80岁年龄段:女性为64.32% ±9.79%。男性 为28.97% ±7.63%。80岁-90岁年龄段:女性为76.74% ±5.28%。男性39.78% ±15.09%。结论中国大陆地区男性在 各年龄段发病率均低于同年龄段女性发病率,比值接近于1:2。40岁以上人群骨质疏松症发病率为19. 74% (约20% ),约 1.12亿患病人群。
      Objective To learn osteoporosis incidence based on -2.5 SD criteria in mainland China by analyzing and evaluating the national literature of epidemiological survey about BMD. Methods Using osteoporosis and incidence as keywords, the literature related to samples with men and women with different age,measuring sites,BMD,models of DEXA device,and the incidence of osteoporosis was selected from China Hospital Knowledge Database (CHKD) and Wanfang data. The diagnosis of osteoporosis was based on the T score lower than - 2. 5SD using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry method. The incidence of osteoporosis in our country was analyzed using a statistical software. Results A total of 109 full-text documents were retrieved,in which 16 papers met the requirements. Same type of device was used to measure BMD in the 6 out of the 16 papers. The incidence of osteoporosis was 6. 37% ±2. 39% in women and 4.11% ±1. 70% in men of 40-50-year-old,21. 75% ±5. 96% in women and 12.90% ± 6. 35 in men of 50-60-year-old,46. 38% ± 12. 03% in women and 19.90% ± 8. 31% in men of 60-70-year-old, 64. 32% ±9. 79% % in women and 28. 97% ±7.63% in men of 70-80-year-old,and 76. 74% ±5.28% in women and 39. 78% 土 15. 09% in men of 80-90-year-old,respectively. Conclusion The incidence of osteoporosis in males is lower than that in females in all age divisions,and the ratio is close to 1:2. The incidence of osteoporosis is 19.74% (about 20% ) in people over 40 years old,with 112 million in population.
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