Study on the changes of bone metabolic markers’ level in diabetic osteoporosis patients after supplementation of Tetralogy of Viable Bifidobacterium Tabl.
投稿时间:2018-10-31  修订日期:2019-03-19
中文关键词:  骨质疏松  糖尿病  肠道正常菌群  骨代谢标志物  骨钙素  维生素K
英文关键词:Osteoporosis  Diabetes mellitus  Normal intestinal microflora  Bone metabolic markers  Osteocalcin  Vitamin K
宋永坡 吉林市中心医院 132000
郭英欣 吉林市人民医院 
李嘉萍* 吉林市中心医院内分泌 
摘要点击次数: 250
全文下载次数: 0
      【】Objective: To investigate the changes of bone metabolic markers’ level in type 2 diabetic osteoporosis patients after supplementation of Probiotics, and to analyze the correlation between the changes and osteoporosis status, so that we know that whether bone mineral density would be improved. Methods: Patients in the control group were given routine calcium and vitamin D treatment; patients in the experimental group were given calcium supplement and vitamin D plus bifidobacterium tetragenous viable bacteria tablets; patients’ osteocalcin, urinary calcium-creatinine ratio, total type I collagen amino-terminal extension of peptides, vitamin D and bone mineral density were observed after 3 months, 6 months and 12 months of treatment (bone density was measured after 12 months). Results: The level of osteocalcin and bone mineral density increased significantly after supplementation of live Bifidobacterium tetrad, with statistical difference. After vitamin D supplementation, the level of vitamin D increased significantly with statistical difference. Conclusion: Supplementation of Tetralogy of Viable Bifidobacterium Tabl can improve type 2 diabetic osteoporosis the patients’ bone mineral density.
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