绝经后妇女维生素D状况与膝骨关节炎 相关性的研究
Relationship between vitamin D and knee osteoarthritis in postmenopausal women
中文关键词:  膝骨关节炎;维生素D  25( OH)D ;绝经后妇女
英文关键词:0steoarthritis  Vitamin D  25-hydroxyvitamin D  Postmenopausal women
蒋建新 上海交通大学附属第六人民医院骨科上海交通大学附属第六人民医院骨质疏松和骨病科骨代谢病与 遗传研究室 
张先龙 上海交通大学附属第六人民医院骨科上海交通大学附属第六人民医院骨质疏松和骨病科骨代谢病与 遗传研究室 
唐明杰 上海交通大学附属第六人民医院骨科上海交通大学附属第六人民医院骨质疏松和骨病科骨代谢病与 遗传研究室 
金东旭 上海交通大学附属第六人民医院骨科上海交通大学附属第六人民医院骨质疏松和骨病科骨代谢病与 遗传研究室 
虞申 上海交通大学附属第六人民医院骨科上海交通大学附属第六人民医院骨质疏松和骨病科骨代谢病与 遗传研究室 
黄琪仁 上海交通大学附属第六人民医院骨科上海交通大学附属第六人民医院骨质疏松和骨病科骨代谢病与 遗传研究室 
张长青 上海交通大学附属第六人民医院骨科上海交通大学附属第六人民医院骨质疏松和骨病科骨代谢病与 遗传研究室 
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      目的探讨维生素D与膝骨关节炎之间的关系。方法选取133例绝经妇女,通过拍摄负重 的膝关节正位,采用kllgren和Lawrence骨性关节炎的分级标准进行分级,检测血清於羟D [ 25 (OH)D ],同时检测血钙、磷、碱性磷酸酶、肝肾功能及空腹血糖以排除有影响维生素D的其他因素 者。结果本组133例患者,平均年龄(58.41 ±5.25 )岁,血清25( OH )D平均值为14.00 ng/mL,维 生素D缺乏者(30 ng/mL)占2%_。在通过拍摄负重的膝关节 正位,采用Kellgren和Lawrence骨性关节炎的分级中显示,骨关节炎级别在4级的病人维生素D全部 低于10 ng/mL,骨关节炎级别在0级的病人维生素D全部大于20 ng/mL。结论血清维生素D的水 平可能与膝骨关节炎的影像学进展存在相关性,因此,通过改善年老患者的血清维生素D的水平可 能有助于防治膝骨关节炎。但由于样本量小,我们认为尚需扩大样本进一步研究。
      Objective To explore the relationship hetween vitamin D and knee osteoarthritis. Methods One hundred and thirty-three postmenopausai women were involved in this study. The severity of' osteoarthritis of patienLs was graded with the standard method of KeUgren/Lawrence ( K/L ) through the weight-bearing anteroposterior ( AP ) knee radiographs. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D of the paLienLs was measured. Serum calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, liver function, renal function, and fasting blood-glucose were also examined Lo exclude subjecLs with other facLors Lo affect vitamin D sLatus. Results The average age of 133 postmenopausal women was 58. 41 土 5. 25 years old and the average value of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D was 14 ng/ml. The proportion of vitamin D deficiency patients ( <20 ng/ml ) in all patients was 86%., including 23%. severely deficiency patients ( <10 ng/ml ). The proportion of vitamin D insufficiency patents ( 20-29 ng/ml) was 12%. . And vitamin D status was sufficient only in 2 patients ( > 30 ng/ml ). The results of the graded measurement showed that Lhe viLamin D level of patienLs with 4 K/L grade was lower than 10ng/ml, and the vitamin D level of paLienLs with 0 K/L grade was more than 20 ng/ ml. Conclusion The serum levels of 25-vitamin D may be associaLed with the radiographic results of knee OA paLients. Thus, to improve the vitamin D staLus in the elderly can prevenL and treat knee OA. Large sample sLudies are needed Lo verify Lhe conclusion, since Lhe sample volume is liLLle in Lhis sLudy.
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