骨密度测定筛查生长激素不足(缺乏) 矮小儿童的价值
Clinical value of bone mineral density in screening of short statue children with lack or deficiency of growth hormone
中文关键词:  双能X线(DXA)  骨密度(BMD)  生长激素不足(缺乏)
英文关键词:Dual energy X-ray ( DXA )  Body mineral densiLy ( BMD )  Deficiency and lack of growLh hormone
肖新华 衡阳,南华大学附属第一医院内分泌实验室 
秦建平 衡阳,南华大学附属第一医院内分泌实验室 
摘要点击次数: 928
全文下载次数: 1012
      目的探讨全身骨密度(BMD)测定筛查生长激素不足(缺乏)矮小儿童的价值。方法应用 双能X线(DXA)测定225例6耀7岁矮小儿童全身骨密度值,分别以男女生长激素不足(缺乏)组矮 小儿童最高骨密度Z值为cuk)fl_值,计算cuuol_f_值对男女矮小儿童生长激素不足(缺乏)诊断的敏感 性,特异性及阳性预测值,阴性预测值。结果cuuoff值对男性矮小儿童生长激素不足(缺乏)诊断的 敏感性100%_,特异性46. 74%,阳性预测值43.68%_,阴性预测值100%_,对女性矮小儿童生长激素不 足(缺乏)诊断的敏感性100%_,特异性38. 03%.,阳性预测值43. 59%.,阴性预测值100%_。结论全 身骨密度(BMD )测定筛查生长激素不足(缺乏)矮小儿童有临床应用价值。
      Objective To explore the value of the bon^ mineral density ( BMD ) measurement of whole body in screening of the short statue children with deficiency and lack of growLh hormone. Methods The whole body BMD of 225 6-7 years old short sLatue children was measured using dual energy X-ray ( DXA ). The highest DMD Z value of th^ male and the feiale short statue children was detemiined for the cutoff value. The diagnostic sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of the cutol! values for Lhe diagnosis of Lhe male and female short statue children were cakcuiated. Results The diagnostic sensiLivity,specificiLy,posiLive predicLive value,and negaLive predicLive value of Lhe cuLoll values for diagnosis of Lh^ male shorL sLaLue children were 100%., 46. 74%.,43. 68%., and 100%., respecLively. The diagnostic sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of the cutoff values for diagnosis of the female short sLatue children were 100%., 38.03%., 43.59%., and 100%., respectively. Conclusion Whole body BMD measurement has clinical applicative value to screen the short sLatue children with deficiency and lack of growth hormone.
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