Diagnosis value of MRI in traumatic bone contusion of the knee
中文关键词:  膝关节  骨挫伤  磁共振成像
英文关键词:K nee joint  B one contusion  MR I
范璐 天津市人民医院影像科 
程金宝 天津市人民医院影像科 
乔辉 天津市人民医院影像科 
刘振兴 天津市人民医院影像科 
贺莉 天津市人民医院影像科 
摘要点击次数: 1153
全文下载次数: 1336
      目的评价MRI在膝关节外伤性骨挫伤中的诊断价值。方法回顾性分析60例膝关节急性 外伤,X线片显示阴性而MRI诊断骨挫伤患者的影像学表现。MRI检查时间为伤后1 ~ 7天,采用膝 关节专用线圏,行FSE序列T,WHWI、STIR的斜矢状位及脂肪抑制PDWI的冠状位扫描,层厚3.5 mm,层间距0.5 mm。结果骨挫伤在T,Wl序列上呈低或稍低信号,在T2WI、PDWI及STIR序列上 呈高信号。60例病例中合并附属结构损伤43例,合并关节腔和/或髌上囊积液53例。结论 MRI 可以准确显示膝关节骨挫伤的部位和范围以及附属结构的损伤,对临床诊断和治疗具有重要意义
      Objective To evaluate the value of MRI in diagnosis of bone contusion in knee injury. Methods Images of 60 bone contusion patients diagnosed with MRI but not with X-ray after acute knee injury were retrospecLively analyzed. The MRI examination was performed among 1-7 days after Lhe trauma. Using special coil for the knee,oblique sagiLLal plane scanning wiLh fast spin-echo sequence ( T^ WI,T^ WI, PDWI ) and coronal scanning with fat suppressed sequence were perTormed. Results Bone contusion showed km' or slightly low signal on T,WI series, but high signal on T2WI,PDWI, STIR series. The bone conLusions were complicaLed wiLh accessory sLructure injury in 43 cases, joint caviLy and/or bursasuprapaLellaris eilusion in 53 cases, among 60 cases. Conclusion MRI can accurately show Lhe siLe and the range of the bone contusion a^ well as the injuries of the accessory structures. It is significanL for Lhe clinical diagnosis and treatment.
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