中药复方护骨胶囊对糖皮质激素诱导骨质疏松 大鼠骨密度和骨形态计量学的研究
Effect of Hugu capsule on BMD and histomorphometry in glucocorticoid-induced osteoporotic rats
中文关键词:  骨质疏松  糖皮质激素  骨密度  骨形态计量学
英文关键词:0steoporosis GiucocorUcoid  BMD  Histiorphietry
王晓东 广东药学院附属第一医院骨科 
虎松艳 广东药学院附属第一医院骨科 
董群伟 广东药学院附属第一医院骨科 
洪曼杰 广东药学院附属第一医院骨科 
孙平 广东药学院附属第一医院骨科 
胡伶平 广东食品药品职业学院 
刘忠厚 中国老年学学会骨质疏松委员会 
摘要点击次数: 1086
全文下载次数: 1106
      目的探讨中药复方护骨胶囊(主要由制何首乌、淫羊藿、熟地黄等多味中药加工而成的复方 制剂)对糖皮质激素诱导骨质疏松大鼠骨丢失的影响。方法3月龄SPF级雄性SD大鼠30只,随机 平均分为3组:正常对照组(Nrm )、激素组(MeL )和中药组(CH )。Met组:皮下注射甲强龙(MeL )5 m#kg/d,每周5次;CH组:在Met组基础上给予中药复方护骨胶囊(150 mg/kg/d )灌胃,实验期12憎。 大鼠右侧股骨和腰椎行骨密度(BMD)测定,右侧胫骨行骨形态计量学分析。结果 Met组腰椎和股 骨BMD显著低于Nrm组;CH组腰椎和股骨BMD显著高于MeL组。MeL组Tb. N、% Tb. Ar、MS/BS、 MAR 和 BFRs 显著低于 Nmi 组,Tb. Sp、ES/BS 显著高于 Nmi 组;中药组 Tb. N、%. Tb. Ar、MS/BS、MAR 和BFRs显著高于Met组,Tb. Sp,ES/BS显著低于Met组。结论中药复方护骨胶囊在提高激素诱导 骨质疏松大鼠的骨密度,促进骨形成,降低骨吸收,延缓骨丢失方面有积极作用,对继发性骨质疏松的 预防和治疗有一定前景。
      Objective To explore the effects of Hugu Capsule ( CH ) on bone loss in glucocorticoid ( GC ) -induced osteoporotic rats. Methods Thirty 3^ionth-old male Sprague-Dawiey rats were randomly divided in to 3 groups : age-matched normal con trol group ( Nrm ),methylprednisolone group ( Met ),and CH group. Rats in Met group were treated with 5 mg/kg/d Met,5 tmies per week. Rats in CH group were treated with CH in the presence of MeL The study period was 12 weeks. Bone mineral density ( BMD ) of the right femur and the lumbar vertebra 5 of all rats were measured. HisLomorphomeLry analysis was performed in the right tibia. Results BMDs of the femur and the lumbar vertebra of rats in th^ Met group were significantly lower than those in the Nrm group. BMDs of the femur and the lumbar vertebra of rats in the CH group were significantly higher than those in th^ Met group. Tb. N, % Tb. Ar,MS/BS,MAR,and BFRs of rats in th^ Met group were significantly lower than those in the Nrm group. Tb. Sp and ES/BS of rats in the Met group were significantly higher than those in the Nrm group. Tb. N, % Tb. Ar,MS/BS,MAR,and BFRs of rats in the CH group were significantly higher than those in th^ Met group. Tb. Sp and ES/BS of rats in the CH group were significantly lower than those in th^ Met group. Conclusion CH has protective effect on increasing BMD of osteoporotic rats,promoting bone formation,decreasing bone absorption,and delaying bone loss. CH might be applicable in the prevention and trea^ient of secondary osteoporosis
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