The effect of three effective fractions of water extract of Danshen on glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis in rats
中文关键词:  丹参水提物;丹酚酸B  大鼠;骨质疏松
英文关键词:Effective fraction of water extract of Danshen  Salvanic acid B  Rats:Osteoporosis
基金项目:广东医学院青年基金(XQ0711 );国家自然科学基金资助项目(30672470 )
于琼 崔燎 吴铁 523808东莞广东医学院药学院(于琼、崔燎、吴铁)524023湛江广东天然药物研究与开发重 点实验室(崔燎) 
摘要点击次数: 617
全文下载次数: 553
      目的 对比三种丹参水提有效部位群对激素大鼠骨质疏松的影响,试图寻找丹参对抗激素大鼠骨质疏松的最佳有效成分。方法 4月龄SD大鼠灌服泼尼松3.5 mg?kg–1?d–1造成大鼠骨质疏松模型,同时分别给予三种丹参水提有效部位群进行防治性用药,用药时间为12周。实验结束后,取左侧胫骨做骨形态学静态参数观察,取股骨进行骨密度和骨生物力学检测,随后检测骨钙、磷、镁和羟脯氨酸含量。结果 与正常大鼠相比,泼尼松模型组大鼠胫骨反应骨小梁结构、数量的四个参数均显著下降,股骨中段骨密度显著下降,而弹性载荷、最大载荷、刚性系数、最大强度和弹性模量等五个股骨的生物力学性能指标均显著降低,股骨中的钙和羟脯氨酸均成比例显著减少。与模型组相比,SAB组大鼠胫骨松质骨四个参数有显著改善,且能有效增加股骨中钙的含量,但对其他的参数无明显改善;DS I组能显著改善激素大鼠胫骨和股骨的骨丢失破坏,且能有效提高其抗骨折的能力;DSⅡ组可有效改善大鼠松质骨改变,股骨骨密度以及骨中钙盐含量,但对于其他参数的改变无显著效果。结论 三种丹参水提有效部位群均可改善激素大鼠松质骨的改变,对其股骨的修复作用以DS I组(丹参素:原儿茶醛:丹酚酸B=2:1:2 )效果最佳。
      Objective To compare the effect of three effective fractions of water extract of Danshen on glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis in rats and to find the most effective ingredients of Danshen to resist glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis. Methods 4-month-old SD rats were fed with prednisone in the concentration of 3.5 mg ? kg–1? d –1 to induce the osteoporotic model.And they were given three effective fractions of water extract of Danshen for 12 weeks. After the expeiment,the left tibia were extracted to observe the static parameters of bone morphology,and the femurs were extracted to detect the bone mineral density and biomechanicai markers. Concentrations of calcium,phosphorus, magnesium,and hydroxyproline were determined. Results Four parameters of the structure and quantity of tibia trabecular reacted to prednisone were equally decreased in the model group compared to those in the normal rats. BMD of the femur also decreased significantly. Five biomechanical indexes of the elastic load,maximum load, stiffness coefficient,maximum strength,and elastic modulus of femur decreased significantly. The concentrations of calcium and hydroxyproline in the femur decreased significantly in proportion. Four tibial cancellous parameters of rats in SAB group improved significantly compared to those in the model group. The calcium content increased effectively in the SAB group, however, other indexes did not increase. The bone loss and damage of the tibia and the femur of rats in group DS I can be significantly ameliorated and the ability to resist the fracture was improved effectively. The cancellous variation, femoral BMD, and calcium content of rats in group DS II were improved effectively, however, other indexes were not improved. Conclusion Three effective fractions of water extract of Danshen can ameliorate the cancellous variation in glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis in rats. The function recovery of the femur is best in DS I group(Salvia:protocatechuic aldehyde:Sal B=2:1:2).
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