Comparison of bone mineral density between master and first grade female weightlifters
中文关键词:  举重  训练负荷  肌力  骨密度
英文关键词:Weightlifting  The training load  Muscle strength  BMD
杨翠英 * 曾国凡 福建工程学院体育教研部福州 350118 
摘要点击次数: 839
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      目的 比较同级别不同运动等级女子举重运动员骨密度(BMD)的差异,探讨相同训练方案不同力量负荷强度对运动员骨密度的影响。方法 测试 48 kg 级别健将组(n =15)和一级组(n =16)下肢链等速蹬伸肌力,腰椎 L 2-4 和下肢主要部位BMD,分析下肢等速肌力与骨密度的相关性。结果 健将组的腰椎 L 2-4 、股骨远端、髌骨 BMD 和下肢链收缩力峰力矩、拉长力峰力矩均显著大于一级组(P <0. 05);下肢收缩力矩和拉长力矩与腰椎 L 2-4 (r =0. 507,r =0. 519)、髌骨(r =0. 482,r =0. 456)和胫骨近端(r =0. 613,r =0. 580)BMD 呈显著正相关(P <0. 05)。结论 长期“奥林匹克举重运动”对女子运动员 BMD 有促进作用,随着力量负荷强度增加,BMD 也呈增加趋势。
      Objective To compared the bone mineral density (BMD) among female weight lifters with the same level of different sport grade,and to explore the influence of the same training scheme of different power load intensity in BMD. Methods The isokinetic extensor strength of lower limb and the BMD of L 2-4 lumbar and lower limb were tested for master level group (n=15) and first grade group (n =16) in 48 Kg grade. The correlation between lower limb isokinetic muscle strength and BMD wasanalyzed. Results BMD of the L 2-4 lumbar,distal femur,and patella,peak torque of contraction force and elongated in lower limbs were significantly larger in the master group than those in the first grade group (P <0. 05). Lower limb contraction torque and elongated torque were significantly positively correlated with BMD (P <0. 05) of the L2-4 lumbar (r =0. 507,r =0. 519),patella (r =0. 482,r = 0. 456),and proximal tibia (r = 0. 613,r = 0. 580). Conclusion Long term Olympic weightlifting promotes BMD in female athletes. With the increase of strength load intensity,BMD also shows an increasing trend.
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