Effect of invigorating kidney and sealing bone recipe on bone formation in patients with kidney deficiency osteoporosis
中文关键词:  骨质疏松症  益肾密骨方  肾虚型
英文关键词:osteoporosis  invigorating kidney and sealing bone recipe  kidney deficiency
袁凤来 叶俊星 李霞* 无锡市中西医结合医院骨科江苏 无锡 214041 
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      目的 研究益肾密骨方对骨质疏松症(肾虚型)患者骨形成的影响。 方法 将我院60例肾虚型骨质疏松症患者,分为试验组(30例,应用益肾密骨方加减法治疗)与对照组(30例,应用钙尔奇D片),观察时间为1年。观察两组及组间用药前后腰椎骨密度(bone mineral density, BMD)、骨形成指标骨钙素(BGP)、Ⅰ型前胶原氨基端前肽(PINP)变化。 结果 用药后试验组腰椎BMD、血清BGP与PINP 水平明显升高, 与用药前比较差异有统计学意义 ( P <0.01);与对照组相比,试验组血清 BGP与PINP 水平明显高于对照组(P<0.01) 。结论 益肾密骨方具有明显的补肾强骨作用,其机制可能是促进骨形成。
      Objective To explore to the effect of invigorating kidney and sealing bone recipe on bone formation in patients with kidney deficiency osteoporosis. Methods Sixty kidney deficiency osteoporosis patients in our hospital were divided into treatment group (30 cases) who received invigorating kidney and sealing bone recipe, and control group (30 cases) who received calcium carbonate. Bone mineral density (BMD) of the lumbar spine was measured at the end of 1-year treatment. The changes of bone formation index osteocalcin (BGP) and procollagen I aminoterminal propeptide (PINP) were observed before and after the treatment. Results BMD and the serum contents of BGP and PINP in the experimental group increased significantly after drug administration (P<0.01). Compared with those in the control group, the content of serum BGP and PINP increased significantly in the experiment group (P<0.01). Conclusion The traditional Chinese medicine invigorating kidney and sealing bone recipe has distinctive effect on strengthening bone and tonifying the kidney, and its mechanism may be to promote bone formation.
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